Um..dear? That isn't where you get paper plates.
I'm not entirely comfortable with a n00B shooter fantasizing about turning her firearm on her lane neighbors, to be honest. It argues poor instruction or poor mental hygiene or both. There is a scene in Annie Hall where Christopher Walken is driving Woody and fantasizing aloud about turning the car head-on into the oncoming traffic. It's that sort of feeling.
I have often maintained that nothing is so empowering to a woman as the ability to defend herself and the determination to use it. Buying a gun only gives you the ability. The rest is in your head, and I worry about hers.
What! You never thought about popping the clown in the lane next to you? Yeah, me neither.
If anything, the seconds-long realization about my ability to kill others merely engendered decades of respect and responsibility around guns.
A conservative gets a gun and thinks "who can I protect?".
The liberal gets a gun and thinks "who can I kill?"
Yet more evidence of the mental illness that is liberalism.