An excellent point. Some on here don’t seem to understand that they very thing they criticize the libs for doing - they do themselves by wanting to dictate what people can and can’t purchase. I guess they don’t see the hypocrisy in this.
Instead, they rant and rave about the fact that their tax dollars are being spent. Well, the tax dollars are being spent on many, many things which we have no control over - such as the luxurious vacation habits of the moocher and his family. We don’t get a checklist to check how we want our tax dollars spent.
Except that this is one area where taxpayers CAN have an effect on how their money is spent.
If you do not want to be told what food you can buy, then don’t use food stamps to buy your food.
The only one who is a hypocrite is you by backing off the specific topic of this thread to a broad generalization about all ways in which our taxes are spent. What a silly conclusion.