The “Do Not Call” registry is one of the many failures of government. First, charities and political organizations are exempt. Second, the law is not being enforced. My land line is inundated with calls of all types every day from businesses, charities, religious groups, scammers, and political groups.
Now I’m seeing an increase in unwanted calls to my unlisted cell phone. Enforce the Do Not Call a Registry, and give consumers the ability to ban political and charity solicitation, and you’ll see a quick end to the scam charities. The technology certainly exists to identify the violators and prosecute them.
P.S. I’m also tired of my local town permitting charities to fund raise at major intersections. Yesterday, it seemed like every time I stopped at a light, people with buckets swarmed into the streets soliciting donations from drivers of stopped cards.
Yes; the “Do Not Call” registry is just another scam. And the cops, firemen, etc., accosting people at intersections borders on extortion. They’re looking at your license plate; they can find out who you are. And they tie up traffic, causing accidents. I hate those people!
When asked for donations, we politely say that all of our charitable donations go through our church. We do help support a local pet spay-neuter clinic where we know the money is used correctly. Also a few very personal projects.
I’ve heard that some churches fund tuition and expenses for members’ kids to attend Christian schools or do home schooling. Our church is too small and can’t do that but it’s a great idea. Supporting missions is great, but if we have no dedicated, intelligent young people who’ll go to the mission field, that’s a problem for missions. I’d love to find a trustworthy organization to donate to to help children get a true education re America.
Oh, my husband gets SO MAD at solicitors, especially the businesses cold-calling! He chews them out, using the “you’re illegal - you’re not supposed to be calling at all!” and “if you won’t stick to the rules how do I know you’ll do anything right for me?” arguments! He’s really nasty. (I just can’t do that.)
This has regularly happened for several years now. I’ve been wondering if it’s all a joke.
And really, it should not be the purview of gov to handle this. I really don’t know why we would waste the effort and dollars to ensure no one cold-calls people.
That Do Not Call Registry is a total joke..we sign up for it all the time and every single day we get phone calls from “Name Not Found” and surveys and people soliciting money its very annoying we get at least 10+ calls per day..we already had 2 and the morning just started