Oh, I know. We'll sell the SUV and buy bicycles. Maybe move to the Valley where we can ride the new Light Rail. It's the least we can do to save that ice shelf! No sacrifice is too great. Maybe we'll even cut down on the wattage we are using in the squiggly bulbs and only flush our low flow toilets once a day instead of every time.
Yeah. That will help. It's the least we can do.
NOPE, YOUR STILL SCREWED; right now I am throwing another log on the fireplace in order to add more carbon and other miscellaneous pollutants to the air, in order to hasten the EVIL GOREBAL warming. Relocating to the Central Valley will not save you; my EVIL plan to stave off the cold (still colder than a whores heart up here) will DOOM you all.
The Central Valley will become my private inland sea so I can fish for Rock Cod every day. I will loot the sunken cities of Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto, Madera, and Fresno with my scuba gear.
I will be wealthy beyond imagination, I will be king of all I survey.
Please don’t rat me out, I still hope my plan will work.