No matter how primitive the conditions, the gvt. needs a warrant to enter private land and seize people and property. If, as reported, the kids are all healthy and happy, this sounds like tyranny to me.
I doubt that any two people have the same criteria for defining “disgusting”. There are people in this rural area who live off-grid and gone Galt-I’m planning/setting it up for myself. There are people here who still have primitive septic systems, haul in their water and have generators for electricity.
There are as many kids homeschooled or in the small Christian school nearby as are in the public school. Kids walk down the roads in twos and threes-sometimes for miles. People mind their own damn business, or having been shunned, they soon feel the need to move elsewhere.
In areas of Alaska that are downright civilized, people still have outhouses because of the high cost of plumbing there. Many do not have running water. I doubt that 1/4 of the kids in remote areas go to a public school...
As someone who grew up on a remote ranch in a far-from-wealthy family, I’m guilty of having played in dirt/mud, roaming over 60 acres unsupervised, mucking around in barns among livestock-and making-oh, the horror-mud pies with my cousins for amusement, and getting filthy-but that is what a garden hose is for, people...
To this day none of us are sick, allergic, overweight-and we don’t use any drugs at all-we grew up eating fresh food produced right on the family’s land-I still eat only unprocessed food that I grow or barter with my neighbors....
It is no one’s business how someone raises their kids as long as those kids are not being abused-as in raped, beaten, etc-spanking and sitting in the corner don’t seem like abuse to me. CPS should not even exist-it is nothing but nanny nonsense that does far more harm than good for families and children.
I’d rather see a child brought up in a tent or shack, taught to read, write, do math and pray by their mom and dad than see them growing up in the projects with one parent, and learning nothing in a public school-but that is just my opinion...