All that will do is give the ACLU and liberals more videos to take out-of-context, file lawsuits and hinder police doing their jobs.
Blacks and liberals see what they want to see when it comes to eyewitness and video evidence. That was proven yesterday on Fox News when some black woman claimed unarmed "boy" was shot by police. This despite the fact, the "boy" dropped a gun on the sidewalk.
It would turn law enforcement into endless circus.
And, that is why Obama favors the idea.
Whatever. Anyone NOT wanting to show what really happened is covering something up. It’s that simple.
Like the police always say...if you don’t have anything to hide what are you afraid of. Oh that only works when the police want to question the citizens. But when the citizens want to question the police...well there is plenty to hide.
And that’s not all the video would do. If Darren Wilson had a body cam that video could have been released early and show that thug never raised his hands and was the attacker.