The problem with “alcohol related” is that the statistics are brutally massaged.
Had a glass of wine with dinner?
Stopped for a quick beer on the way home?
Picked up a bottle of bourbon on the way home?
All motor vehicle incidents are considered “alcohol related” in the statistics if you even have booze in the car, let alone in your system. You can be stone cold sober, but that case of beer that was in the back of the truck will be noted by the constabulary, even if you are T-boned by granny running a red light.
My brother retired from the state patrol. He affirms your statements.
Even where the accident was the clear fault of a sober driver, if any one of the vehicles had alcohol invoolved, in anyway, it is classified as an “alcohol related” accident.
It is kind of like “gun violence”, a phrase designed to defeat debate. No matter if it suicide, accident, justifiable, or murder, it all becomes the unutterably horrible “gun violence”.