Are you saying that the “more evils” are simply setups to get the lesser evils in? Cuz if you are, I think you are correct!
Yup. Look at Hillary/Barry.
“If you don’t elect Mitt then The twins will destroy America!!!”
So the sheep go out and vote like mad for the leftist republican, then the party as a whole moves leftward. The next election happens...
“If you don’t vote for Mitch, Bhoner and Cocnran, the twins will destroy Amewrica!!!” The next election...
“If you don’t fote for Jeb/Rubio.Walker (All of which are either open illegal advocates or completely untrustworthy having changed positions) then you hate America!!!”
Every election the GOP has moved further and further to the left because the abject morons keep voting for ever more hard left Republicans. This can ONLY mean one of two things. They are less intelligent than a DU poster or they WANT leftism.
Lets be honest. People do not vote for things they oppose. It’s how voting works. If you vote FOR a person, you do just that. Vote FOR them. When that person is a leftist, you voted FOR leftism and no amount of excuses change that.