white guys get killed by black cops all the time how come we don’t hear about it?
And BTW no matter what happened it does not excuse the rioting filth who need to be locked up for a long time. But will they be?
For example?
Who said anything about the riots being justified? Did you see anything I wrote justifying the idiots burning and looting?
The rioters are frankly useless idiots, they don’t even know why they are doing what they are doing, just doing it because they can like most morons. That’s neither here nor there when it comes to the charging of the officers.
As to your allegations that white guys are being found dead in paddy wagons all the time when put their by black cops, please cite me your evidence to this allegation.
I don’t care that the perp was black, I don’t care if the cops were white or black, that’s not the issue here, the issue is a person in police custody mysteriously winds up with a broken spine, and that’s something that should be disturbing to anyone! Why are people so small minded and idiotic that they cannot understand the simple lessons of history? If the powers that be can do this to someone you dislike today, they can do it to you tomorrow, that’s the pure and simple matter at the heart of this.
The medical examiner ruled this a homicide, meaning death caused by the actions of another human being, in this case there are no extenuating circumstances where the perp was killed because he was threatening others or a threat to himself etc... Homicide in and of itself is not murder or even manslaughter.. however the facts of this case as they now stand certainly do not meet the merits that this homicide can be justified, as such those culpable for it should be at least facing manslaughter charges.
Now the facts of the case may turn up facts that are not yet known and change the dynamic, but with what is known currently I can’t see how any DA could not file at the very least manslaughter charges against those last in contact with the dead man. They may be found innocent in a court of law, but there is no justifiable homicide here, so once its been declared homicide I really can’t see how any DA can decide no charges are warranted unless they were on the take or part of a conspiracy.