Once they COULD vote, they voted Republican when possible.
UNTIL, the Democrats came up with the bribery scheme they called welfare.
And what wicked bribes it was. It was not charity. It was crafted to reward the splitting up of families.
Reading Mr. Smith’s diatribe. Honestly, that’s what it was. It was eye opening and sad. Sad because he blames White supremacy for what’s going on there in Baltimore when we all know it’s the adherence to a welfare state that is destroying the inner cities like Baltimore. Yet, instead of aiming that rage at the Democratic Party where it needs to be directed the blame is still shifted to the Republicans. Not enough money is being spent they say. How many trillions have been poured into our cities since LBJ launched the Great Society back in 1965? It hasn’t helped the lives of many Blacks and, in fact, it’s hindered their progress. We can keep saying this till we’re blue in our faces, but Black America has to realize who their true oppressors are and shake themselves of a ruinous system that keeps them down as a people.