Looks like he was in pain from the initial takedown.
There is text in the transcript of the Bill Whittle opinion piece I posted that I wholly agree with, and applies 100% if the name of Freddie Gray is substituted for Michael Brown. Bill Whittle said: "..."Critics will say that I am using these statistics to justify the murder of Michael Brown. But I said at the beginning if Michael Brown were shot in cold blood then the police officer needs to pay the price for murder. This has nothing to do with Michael Brown. This has EVERYTHING to do with the narrative that the President, the Attorney General, and all of these race hustlers are trying to create using Michael Brown..."
The fact that Michael Brown got exactly what he deserved and Freddie Gray seems to be a victim of undeserved, deliberate actions of police aside, it still carries the same weight. If the police were responsible, they should pay for their actions, period.
But that has no bearing whatsoever on what has been going on in Baltimore. The fact that there are people who want to see this violence take place has everything to do with it.
Anyone who thinks what happened to this man is okay isn't a voice we need to hear. But the same is true for anyone who blames the violence taking place on the actions of the police.