People don’t understand how uneducated our urban population is; I had a black co-worker tell me he had just seen the movie “Titanic”, and when I commented that is was a high ration of passengers that had drowned, he asked: “That relly happened?”.
At the time he was thirty five years old, a proud product of Jersey City’s public school system.
My wife teaches at a high school in an affluent suburb of Washington D.C., which nevertheless has a high percentage of blacks and Hispanics. Last week she was teaching a lesson on the Holocaust, and she talked about the concentration camps and the Gestapo. One of the students raised his hand and asked "Did all that really happen?" He was completely sincere. A bit astonished, my wife said 'Well, yes, of course", at which point she said a murmur that went through the class as they looked at each other, equally astonished. She told me she doesn't think they really believed her.
I'm not sure where youth has its attention fixed these days, but my take on this is that Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot are probably taken as more real than the history we learned growing up.