[[The federal judges have taken the choice away from the states, so let the states decide is a cop out answer.]]
I agree Donna- States took over marriage from the church as well- so again ‘let the states decide’ is a weak answer as well- I wish He had said “In God’s eyes homosexuality is an abomination and should not be endorsed by the states in my opinion” or something along those lines
"Marriage Was God's Idea, And He Will Preserve It, With or Without Us"
If you guys want to hear preaching, go to church.
I want to hear a limited government Christian conservative talk about reining in government tyranny, turning government into a servant again and letting people live morally. That's what Cruz is doing.
You want a preacher go to church or turn the radio on to one of the excellent Christian stations that are popping up everywhere.
Let Cruz deal with Constitutional politics, the Constitution written by God-fearing people much like yourselves, and please have the vision to see that Cruz is offering the solution most likely to lead to more Godly living in America.