It is absolutely insane. Support Iran in Iraq... I guess and against them... I guess in Yemen all the time making treaties with them in their favor you don’t intend to support.
The situation is actually a lot worse than you say. Just listen to this: ( It is the first hour of John Batchelor's show from 4/20. He reports about how the US ambassador to Libya is openly favoring the islamic insurgents. The very people who killed her predecessor.
The US is courting its enemies and kicking its friends and natural allies to the curb. Very strange times, my friend.
Pan-Arabism VS Zionism VS Shiite VS Sunni.
Quite the Ba'alfourian cluster frack isn't it?
League of Notions (with lyrics)
Pax Vobiscum? Wah ohh. Pax Vobiscum.