He Rubio, if two Satanists that were close family members invited you to a Black Mass, would you attend so as not to hurt their feelings?
If the marriage is between members of the same sex, then it is a PAGAN RITUAL.
No Christian would be caught dead attending a PAGAN RITUAL. If they were caught dead there, they’d be on the expressway to Hell.
But only if I were a pizza wedding caterer. Big bucks are in that industry right now. I’m not missing out on my windfall. And really, what’s a mere pizza between 2 gay partners....holey pizza, Fudgeman!
No Christian would be caught dead attending a PAGAN RITUAL. If they were caught dead there, theyd be on the expressway to Hell.
Exactly right.
If I am attending a religious ceremony or service of any sort, then it must be something that I believe to be valid and consistent with my beliefs.
Weddings ARE NOT entertainment, business or personal events, they are a religious ceremony.
Someone should call around to liberal synagogues and tell them that they have a 12 year old DAUGHTER who is just starting to take the hormonal treatments to become a boy and ask to schedule a bar mitzvah.