Hey, thanks Rush for outing your sidekick, Snirdley. Is it possible that old Joe is just a token kind of guy.
Oh, oh, sorry, I should identify myself as being one of ‘those’ teaparty types.
I think Snerdly just likes Rubio. For me, it was Mark Levin who helped me arrive at Rubio’s DTM. I liked Rubio after hearing him on Mark’s show. And, when Rubio sold us out on immigration, I cannot trust him.
The dems are as angry as they have ever been because progressisivism is destructive of individuals. They are getting angrier and angrier because they are continually sacrificing their own talents, intellect and souls to the collective. Yet, they are not seeing anything positive.
Eventually, reality will sink in. Sadly, when it does they will beginn to call on President Hillary to start to “punish” those that are standing in the way of utopia! All they need is more time and to get rid of the Juden!