Isn’t that sweet?
The clueless supporting the mindless.
“Act of love” my hiney!
Anyone who supports and promotes dynasties can write off my support permanently. I don’t care how “perfect” the candidate is.
Voting for a name, a sex, an orientation or a skin color : the last refuge for the uninformed-mentally criminally impaired.
Well that should be the final nail in his coffin.
Of course Bloomberg endorsed Bush-No surprise at all here.
Why the hell did the queen bestow an honorary knighthood on a useless piece of feces like Bloomturd?
She should have beheaded him with that sword.
What did he do to deserve knighthood?
HAR(f)! Awesome. Blooming Idiot disqualifies JB with a vote to boost the Hildebeast in one gasbag statement.
Crap attracts crap and flys!!
No GOP candidate wants Michael Bloomberg to publicly say nice things about them given the millions of law-abiding gun owners in this country who absolutely detest this man.
Many more thousands of gun owners (Republicans and Democrats) learned of Bloomberg's Anti-2nd Amendment meddling in political campaigns at all levels after they listened to Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's terrific speech at the NRA meeting in which he lambasted Bloomberg.
Want to upset the apple cart??? Hillary/Jeb “working together for a better America”. Ya never know how these politicians think. The first Double Dynasty Ticket?
Hey bloomie, go stick a 32 oz soda where the sun don’t shine...
Well that settles it.
Good news. Bloomberg is disliked by so many people; the more his opinion is known, the more it hurts the establishment candidates on both sides.
Thanks, Mike.
Well, this statement does accurately place both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton as "safe" candidates for all the leftist voters.
Such a ballot face-off will certainly open up the possibility for a successful third-party candidate; the first since Abe Lincoln.
I believe this candidate, and the necessary funding for the run, are already being arranged conjunctively with the primary campaign season.
In a just world that would humiliate Jeb AND shame him.....
So Bloomberg likes Bush.......that means Bush is toast.
One would hope this would be the Kiss of Death for Jeb, but I don't think the GOPe can ever be talked out of utter stupidity.
So the billionaire elitist who thinks the bill of rights is only for rich white people thinks Bush would be a good president. Shocking! Or rather, just simply not even surprising.
From one democrat to another.