McCarthy was much too far ahead of his time. Once he was forced into silence, the infiltration of the State Department, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Defense went forward with almost lightning speed, first only a little with JFK, and by huge leaps under Elbie Jay, then the disease spread under Nixon, Ford and Carter, and was only checked for a while under Ronaldus Magnus.
The decay has been running in overdrive since, until it shifted to warp speed in 2009, and we are fast reaching terminal velocity.
We cannot fully prepare for impact.
“McCarthy was much too far ahead of his time.”
When God sent prophets, they too, were a generation or two ahead of the disaster that was ahead because of the immorality that was going to be accepted through temptation. The disaster was a consequence of failing to listen to truth, failing to keep standards of morality, and failure to follow the established laws. There is nothing new under the sun.