Every person I've seen argue against e-cigs really just can't stand that people can have a habit they don't like. Like you, I think they will simply come up with some bogus studies like they did with second hand smoke and pimp it as hard as they can. And again, in the end, anyone who is anti-smoker will pile on. This is about control and money, not health. I smoked for over 30 years and quit using a vaporizer. Never felt better. I take serious offense to anyone who thinks this is a product that should regulated. the choad in this video article is even going overboard. But his goals are to crush the small vendors and eliminate competition, not public safety. about the only thing I DO agree on is requiring ID for adult sale only.
I'm damn tired of anti-smoking nazis and now they are simply PO'd that smokers found a non-harmful substitute. Regulation and eventually "sin taxes" will ultimately make it just as expensive as cigarettes for no other reason that they can. I'm really fed up with militant lobbyists, the self-righteous and nannys.
It's all about the Benjamins.