No, thanks. If you want to equate Christ’s resurrection with a Babylonian goddess, you go right ahead. Don’t ask me to share it with you.
Silly. You use the names of the week, do you not?
Your argument is a type of Genetic Fallacy because you assume that the etymological origins of a word determine its current meaning and usage. This is a mistake.
I hope this will be useful for you:
Virtually all words have their origin in the pre-Christian past, since Christianity has only been around for 2,000 years --- a blink of the eye, as far as language goes ---- while the Indo-European roots go back many more millennia, and are entwined with pre-Christian belief systems.
You would have to invent your own language to get rid of this.
Fortunately, it doesn't make any difference. This is because words acquire new meanings, and it's the current meaning that matters.