I don’t think he’s doing so badly. He is defending the law. Let’s see if it takes the wind of the sails of the leftist smear artists. I like that he calls out those who smeared the law. Also, the coverage is starting to turn against the memes of the gaystapo, which is another good thing.
Wait. What? Where?
[[Lets see if it takes the wind of the sails of the leftist smear artists.]]
NO it won’t- the left clamp their hands over their ears, and say nana booboo- we can’t hear you- You are racist and discriminating against gay people” and that has become the ‘new truth’
Not so soon, they are just getting comfortable leading with this story as if it was news. CBS this morning leads with this, give's hillary's illegal server 2 seconds and ends with a second on how Iran is making Kerry and Obama look foolish.