Who should she pay? Someone who doesn’t own the loan?
The banks made this bed and they can sleep in it.
She knows who she should pay, they have been trying to collect for years.She lawyered up and slowed the process down with the intent to keep from paying for as long as possible.She refused to sign the agreement that she worked out to save her home, at a much reduced rate and principal.
There is no question as to whom the loan is owned to, or who owes the money. It is a matter of paperwork being mishandled.
It may be legal, but it is highly immoral and you seem to think that all the banks investors and customers should have to pay .
The banker doesn’t own the money leant, the depositors and investors do and the future creditors pay higher fees and rates because of thieves like her. They are being robbed and you are cheering the theft.
So if their isn’t a God, Karmic revenge would have her be seriously injured in her stolen home perhaps burnt up there.
After all moral God fearing people, even half way decent people, pay their debts. They don’t hide from their creditors, they don’t dodge them and they don’t use theft by deception and lawyer.