It is about time the right to free association was restored.
That’s my own fervent hope - that people will finally see the tyranny of the “antidiscrimination” laws for what they are, and restore the God-given right of every individual to choose his own associations, in both private and business life.
Forcing a business owner to provide service to everyone, regardless of his personal beliefs, was always the camel’s nose under the tent. Take away the right of free association, and all else is expediency and an exercise in raw power. If they can force me to serve whom they choose, why can’t they force me to accept them as a tenant? And lo and behold, they can. So why can’t they force me to accept them as a roommate? And lo, it came to pass.
Next they’ll be forcing me to accept them as a wife. What’s to stop them?
When people see that, then the whole rotten edifice will come crumbling down.