To: Oldeconomybuyer
Hope folks enjoy their $15 small fries and $20 small hamburgers in Oakland.
To: fieldmarshaldj
Hope folks enjoy their $15 small fries and $20 small hamburgers in Oakland.Over dramatic much?
28 posted on
03/29/2015 9:48:03 AM PDT by
(I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
To: fieldmarshaldj
Hope they enjoy a food desert.
34 posted on
03/29/2015 9:52:31 AM PDT by
(The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.)
To: fieldmarshaldj
The burger robot and the fry robot will take over long before your prediction comes true. These wages are rapidly approaching that time where the one-time capital investment will outweigh the on-going employee expense.
40 posted on
03/29/2015 10:45:34 AM PDT by
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