For all intents and purposes, the same as the Richard Nixon 18-minute gap.
Much worse, nobody died from Watergate.
The difference btw 18 minute gap and this alleged information purge is that Nixon was hiding a minor campaign burglary and Clinton is hiding possible malfeasance regarding the deaths of State and military persons.
Far, Far, worse than the 18 minute gap.
Nixon could legitimately claim executive priviledge for his tapes of conversations in the Oval office. There were no laws forbidding the destruction of such tapes at the time.
Hillary has had destroyed likely thousands of emails that were required to be preserved by law, about events far, far more serious than a discussion of a political burglary months after the fact.
Hillary’s emails while secretary of state likely have direct national security implications, with potential release of classified information, and bribery by foreign governments.
She is continuing the Clinton Presidency legacy.