Yeman’s population is 57% Sunni, and 42% Shia. Iran is Shia, and Saudi Arabia is Sunni. The Shia Houthi just overthrew the Sunni President we supported. Why would Obama be sorry that Saudi Arabia is supporting our ally by bombing the rebels? It is useful to have facts and think things through before posting.
Thanks gleeaikin.
Why would Enterprise put the /s at the end to show that the comment was not to be taken literally?
The USA gets whipsawed by interests in the Middle East like
a tumble weed in the wind. We are fools that are losing our nation over this cesspool.
9-11 was supposedly done by Sunnis and Saudis and Al-Queada. Saddam was a Sunni running Iraq. Iran contained him. The Sunnis and their AQ pals had more US blood on their hands in Iraq than the Shiites who we armed. Then we bought the Sunni friendship and then our casualties declined.
There is no end to this problem with the Muslims except for the inevitable sacrifice and collapse of our own nation. If the wars don’t get us our resulting debt will because we refuse to keep our nose out.
I don’t give one flying xxxx about the ME except I want the USA out of it entirely. Let those who live there either make peace with each other or create their own version of the hereafter.
These wars are always created by war mongers and profiteers who not only think they can outsmart the masses and then profit...they actually do profit from geo-political events that they create it.
Speaking of the Saudis....why are the 28 redacted pages on the 911 report being kept hidden? Why - because the Saudis had their fingers in it, and since the current propaganda machine points to the “Shiite problem” and because of Iran that would muddy the waters. We need to extricate ourselves from this schizophrenic hell hole now.