My first thought as well. The Capitol police could have just escorted them away, but let's arrest them pro-lifers!
Back during the Roy Moore 10 Commandments issue, I went to D.C. with a group of his and was threatened with arrest for simply putting my hand on the corner of the step leading up to the Supreme Court. I was told by the Capitol police that during a rally of this kind the Supreme Court and the plaza around it including the steps was a “prayer free” zone. I might add I was not praying out loud, but praying silently. My crime was touching the step. I didn’t protest although a couple of other ladies doing the same thing did.
I see Rev. Pat Mahoney in the pic at the article. We ate meals with him and Rev. Rob Schenck a few times. They are great warriors for the faith. Mahoney got arrested during that trip also at the Red Mass for the Supreme Court simply because he argued with the police because they moved the area we could stand from what the permit said was the area we could be.
It was a wonderful trip and boosted my Christian faith and also opened my eyes to the ways of the government and the media.