Posted on 03/10/2015 11:58:35 AM PDT by jafojeffsurf
Please read post 60.
O Potpourri Dough!
Never fear, evil is leaping into the GOP too. It is fast becoming Version II of our fathers’ Democrats.
Whether or not the US gets a specific nod in eschatology (most bible scholars don’t find anything of the kind) general principles continue to apply.
To update Solomon: evangelization really is the answer to everything. Well, as best we can given that the Lord can well schedule an age where there is going to be nobody whose soul will accept the message. He can do that without forcing their wills. But the result will be the same: a very sucky era.
I would say it’s more accurate to believe it resides in the GOP in comfort.
Sadly, folks aren’t quite grasping what I’m trying to explain here.
If every Republican member of both houses of Congress are full fledged “Ted Kenney’s”, it still doesn’t matter if there is a Conservative president.
The majority party control of Congress “NEVER” says no to it’s president.
The one exception that comes to mind is Goldwater vs Nixon just before Nixon’s resignation.
Other than that, what the president proposes is put into bills, submitted to the body of Congress and voted through. The president signs the bills. It’s a done deal.
We have a once in a lifetime chance in 2016, to get someone elected that will have the mental faculties to see what needs to be done, and has the mental tools to take the other party out behind the woodshed. And has a Congress with the House and Senate in his own party’s control.
If we get Cruz (or someone better), we can change things more than Obama did.
This immigration thing isn’t over yet. Some people see it for what it is, and aren’t going to go along. All they need is a leader to give them strength.
I am not a Republican party loyalist.
People need to get beyond that. Cruz is a good man. An even better one may come along.
That’s at best both an opportunity and a danger.
Would I say no to a conservative GOP president who could energize the base and get his party to agree in Congress. Well no I would not.
The danger is that if things start to go well with that, “conservative” and “moderate” people will fall asleep again, crediting mere politics for the boon. The devil sleepeth not and neither doth the Dems.
In the end the question transcends politics. It resides in the realm of the eternal spirit.
Although — Cruz is an outspoken evangelical. I’d just love to see him make liberals’ and atheists’ heads burst by scheduling nonstop Christian/gospel presentations in the White House. Of course the talking heads are going to complain about the wall between church and state which isn’t in the Constitution but even if it was, it wouldn’t forbid such a thing at all.
I would say that Reagan’s biggest mistake, was connecting with George Bush the elder. If he had been followed by a like-minded Conservative, that person could have extended Reagan’s legacy much further into the future.
Same would be true of a Cruz type.
Did you know that illicit drug use dropped by 50% during Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign? That’s the power of having a good man and woman in the White House.
Minds change, because people are exposed to a good person. Even folks who didn’t like Reagan when he was in office, have come to appreciate him years later.
This can happen again. It can change the direction of the nation incredibly.
I believe a president affirming his relationship with God, could cause a lot of people to return to church. It’s what this nation needs.
We should not just accept a good man, we should strive to get that person into office. It’s vitally important.
I agree that the eternal spirit is relevant. That spirit can be changed. One man can destroy it, and another can rise it from the ashes, through example.
I agree.
Watching Leftist heads explode, gotta love that one.
I’d also love to see Cruz state emphatically that man made global warming is a myth.
Just stick it in their eye.
Yours is simply the same old pap that insists voting the right party candidate will magically deliver us to the 'promised land' (your words) - despite self-evident facts to the contrary.
If a Republican president sends over policy directives to Congress, his will, not theirs will prevail.
That used to work when we were a Republic, not a Marxist dictatorship.
Besides, I'm not sanguine about the GOP being in control of all 3 branches considering recent history 2002-2006
For crying out loud, please tell me where the United States is discussed in the Bible.
It's not. That ought to be a clue of where we end up.
I have instead mentioned that if we can get a solid Conservative installed as president, he can lead the Republicans in Congress back toward the promised land.
You go ahead and keep telling yourself that. Isaiah 30:10 on display.
You are buying off on the negativism steam roller theory to the point you can't see anything good with this nation any longer. Do Conservatives trash this nation left and right? No.
You ever ask yourself why it was that every single watchman or messenger of The Lord ended up hated, railed against and often killed by the very remnant of people they were sent to proclaim the unpopular truth to? I already gave you the answer in Isaiah.
Nothing new under the sun.
So you think it would have been better to keep Nancy Pelosi and Harry Ried in control.
The fruits of the Republicans in both houses since November illustrate that it doesn't matter if Pelosi and Reid remained in control.
Any idea what Reid and Pelosi would have done by now?
That fear-mongering GOP party hack crap has no effect on me anymore. The fruits are self evident that it made not a whit's worth of difference which party remained in control of Congress. But you go ahead and keep lying to yourself about it.
You are a broken record, and wrong. We are past the point of elections saving us from the consequences already set in motion. But for the fodder for the enemy you are - just keep lying to yourself.
And it can be done, however it cannot be done with people like you. If you can't help, shut up and get the _ out of the way.
I've already departed playing shell games in the GOP oligarchy. As to shutting up, you can get in line behind your allies in government attempting to do that. I will keep speaking until I am literally forced to shut up - and then - what difference does it make if silencing watchmen on the wall is from Obama's hordes, or people like you?
What's the benefit of denying the truth, when there is a path that can lead to a vast improvement in our nation?
The faith in the path you insist upon - is wrong, and it will fail. II Chronicles 7:13-14
Not withstanding that God interceded on behalf of Israel a number of times after it repented.
Where is Ancient Israel today? Not the 3 tribes that make up the state today - I'm talking about the 10 Northern Tribes, Israel proper. Where are they? Why are they no longer in existence? Now ask why and let scripture reveal that answer to you. Recall God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Given that biblical example - I ask where is repentance in this country seen today- even among the churches? *crickets*
You think our fate is going to be any different?
This from the guy that would rather believe I'm a Republican die-hard, than just read and admit to common sense.
Your view of 'common sense'??? Proverbs 14:12
Since we haven't had a Conservaative president and a Republican controlled Congress in your or my lifetime, I'd like to know on what basis you make the above statement.
2002-2006 for starters. Machinations the GOP Ruling Class leadership put into effect that will make electing a Conservative candidate in their party impossible. Or are you ignorant of those things as well?
You're simply not being open and honest regarding the dynamics of that situation.
I don't believe, buy or have faith in the GOP like you do. Not that it matters at this point anyway. Your case of Normalcy Bias is beyond acute.
Okay, then you're of the opinion Ted Cruz would continue on with the Marxist dictator mode. How should I respond to something that detatched from reality?
You are not even paying attention to what is currently going on right now. As if fundamental transformation never happened. Why should anyone regard your false hopes as anything but ignorant fantasy? We shouldn't. Not if they want to survive what is coming.
For purposes of this discussion, we are addressing whether this nation can be returned to some form of normalcy. It is pointless to turn from that discussion, which we can't seem to agree on, to one which we both agree on.
No. We do not agree and will not agree. You ignore facts, you ignore history, you ignore the bible, all to grasp at wind in vain hope that institutions of men are going to save us and restore us to what we were. Demographics, culture, technology and existing politics you totally ignore to insist that if we just vote for Ted Cruz or another man to high office - that we are going to 'quite easily' return to "normal". I'm telling you on the authority of scripture and history - that is not going to happen. You are welcome to ridicule and suggest that warning is stupid, delusional or whatever - I frankly don't care. Truth is something a majority in this culture are not interested in hearing and indeed are hostile to.
Did that indicate that people should have given up when the Bible was written, because they knew where things would wind up?
Non-sequitor. There are myriad and many biblical admonitions of what will happen to a people that abandon God and embrace wickedness as a nation. Repentance is the first order of business, not electing someone to high office as THE solution to the consequences this nation has heaped upon itself.
And here I thought it was our admonission to support the best people and policies up until Christ returns.
Where is that in scripture? You sound like one who has made government and the institutions of men your god considering how much faith you place in them.
I guess I missed the part about surrendering to evil. I guess I missed the part where we surrender the rest of society to the wolves.
I said nothing about surrendering to evil. Your 'solution' ensures the complete and total surrender of society to the wolves of men because electing a Republican to office as a solution to where we have arrived is an abject lesson in practicing insanity, and it is all you offer. We are past the point of elections being a viable solution to protecting what is left of our liberties.
Ask yourself what is imporoved by advancing your plan?
Survival, and survival with faith in Christ intact despite the horror that is coming
Ask yourself what would have been improved if other generations had adopted your plan? Where would we be?
I see that God's warnings and even those of our Founders do not matter to you. Voting Republican is your only god and idea. The be all, end all solution to everything that ails us as a nation. How sad. You are so lost you do not even see it.
Should we have fought World War II? Evidently not, becuase people knew this world was evil and the good people all knew where it was going to wind up.
You know what you remind me of? You remind me of a relative who was in the Hitler youth who laughs at the memory of an uncle who in 1934 kept cheerleading the Weimar Republic insisting that Hindenburg was the rightful president - even when Paul von himself enabled Hitler to attain the Chancellorship. He refused to believe or accept what had happened to his own country and was stuck in a mindset almost identical to yours.
Isaiah 30:10 could have been used to justify surrendering to evil any time over thousands of years.
That is not the context of Isaiah 30:10 now is it? The context is that a people of The Lord refuse to hear the truth of their condition before God and what portents are about to befall them, instead insisting God's servants and messengers only say smooth and easy things, to speak boldly of false hopes and illusions. That sir, describes you in this thread to a tee.
On the other hand, you have no idea what bills would have been introduced if the Democrats still held power in Congress.
Why do you keep lying to yourself and attempt to push that on the rest of us? we have the last five years as evidence of what Democrats would have done - same as we have right now with Republicans in both houses. The only difference is that now the GOP have rubber-stamped Obama's dictatorship and fully funded it.
Would it have included new gun control legislation. Would it have focused on certain forms of ammunition? There are all sorts of things the Democrats could have done this year already, if they were still in power.
Obama and his alphabets are already doing it - so your point is irrelevant. All being done under Republican "leadership" who refuse to do anything to stop it.
And by keeping them out of power, we set up a situation where a good president can get things done.
There you go again. A broken record. That is all you got. That is your whole being, all your faith is getting a "good president" into the presidency as a measure of saving us from where we have arrived. You are as clueless of scripture as you are to how we were founded as a nation.
I'm not sure whose work you think it is, but it isn't Christ's work, telling folks they should simply let the Democrat control everything because nothing can be done.
I never said anything of the kind. So you are a LIAR on top of being biblically illiterate. Not surprising.
The population of Israel is not broken out as tribles any longer, but the decendents of those tribes do exist in Israel.
Only 3 tribes make up what are Jews today: Judah, Levi and Benjamin. The Northern kingdom was destroyed and taken captive and never heard from again.
Why we are discussing that is a question that comes to mind.
John Cotton referred to the Pilgrims setting sail on the Mayflower as 'Spiritual Israelites" - and I hold that to be true. If a nation of God's people who went wicked and abandoned their foundational principles to embrace ideologies alien to themselves and engage in abomination could be destroyed and annihilated as Judgment of God Himself - why would we think we will not suffer the same fate?
I'm telling you that fate is at our door. But you don"t want to hear it. All you want to hear is cheerleading for the GOP.
If a man like Cruz were elected, the nation would move back towards God's plan. And that would be a form of repentance, or a return to God's plan.
Vote Republican and that is repentance???? Are you serious???? You got it bass ackwards pal. A righteous ruler only comes when a people themselves are repentant and live righteous. A majority wicked people and nation will not suffer the righteous. A people who have already surrendered their culture and would not stand or do what is necessary to root out wickedness are not a people who will fight for a Christian leader. Instead they will choose a king for themselves as the solution to what ails them.
Jesus Christ Himself could have said, "This old world is going down. I know it. Why bother? God the Father and I know it. I'm going to withdraw from this evil, go live in the desert and convince everyone else they should too." Is that what he did? He stayed and ministred to the evil.
So Christ would vote for a Republican as the solution to where we have arrived??? As a pastor and missionary, your biblical ignorance continues to astound me. Christ preached the need for repentance and reconciliation to The Father. Voting for men as a measure of 'ministering to evil' as you put it - was never part of the Gospel.
It is not our job to advance defeatist montras, or tell folks they should not try to make things better, or trash them for saying that if certain goals were met, things could be drastically improved in our nation.
Your only gospel is to urge voting for Republicans, as if that will magically absolve us of all the wickedness and evil in our culture and all the consequences about to befall us for our national sins and idiocies. And then you castigate those of us who are warning this people not to put faith in party politics or a corrupted institution of men. You are pushing a false god and gospel and your solution is not of God or a solution at all.
As I asked before, why are you on a Conservative forum that seeks to support good policy and to the extent it can, impact this nation favorably,
The only policy you parrot is voting for more Republicans as salvation from where we have arrived. I'm telling you, you are not only wrong - but that your hope and faith is misplaced and backwards. But you refuse to see it.
You are a walking serf, a willful plantation slave chained to what you think is how this nation 'fixes' where it has arrived.
Aren't you just acting the part of a malcontent here?
If you define that as someone who is urging people to look past voting Republican as our solution and salvation - then yes - I would be a malcontent to your estimation. The Republic is gone. Elections are not going to restore it. As John Adams warned, liberty lost is never regained - and he wrote that because he understood the scriptures and history, both things you ignore or reject.
I'm interested in saving lives via preparation and getting people to hold onto their faith when things happen that we as a people have never faced before.
Ridicule that to your heart's content. I'm done arguing with a parrot that only knows how to squawk "Vote Republican! Vote Republican!"
You may think you are advancing God's will by doing what you are doing. You clearly aren't.
Every messenger and servant of the Lord has been met by the same exact words you just used to the very people they were sent or gave warning to.
You aren't going to listen, so consequences will be upon your own head. But you were warned. Perhaps you will remember it when the time comes - and perhaps that may be enough for you to hold onto your faith in Christ when your heart nearly fails from bewilderment. I pray that it does, but I worry that it will not.
II Chronicles 7:13-14. Notice verse 13 comes BEFORE 14, and there is no mention in there about voting for men to office as a measure of repentance.
I’m 63 years old. If I had ten bucks for every time I’ve seen one of you idiots in my lifetime, I’d be a more wealthy man.
You lie, you smear, you try to use God’s word to enforce your world view. You refuse to stand up to evil, and you convince yourself your the hand-maiden of the Lord.
When confronted with your failed premises, you don’t listen, you just continue to misrepresent and use God’s word to man as a hammer.
If anyone decides for themselves that they have a vested interest in trying to do what’s best for this nation, they’re the Devil’s spawn.
You hang out on a Conservative Political discussion board, and tell folks you aren’t into the political thing anymore, because God doesn’t want you to stand up for what’s right.
If someone sees an opening that could be used to help this nation during a dark hour, you trash them for putting all their faith in man.
You are one of the reasons why people reject the word of God. One of you nut-jobs or another has driven more people away from God than have convinced them that God is a God of Love and truly cares about them.
Get thee behind me nut-job.
You have no authority over me. You are not someone I would ever follow or obey a word from. Your hope and faith is in men and their corrupted institutions. I don’t think I’ve even encountered someone so hopelessly lost in that kind of delusion except by those who see government as their god.
We are past the point of ‘helping’ this nation at the ballot box on the national level. Political discussion is one thing, insisting that voting for a Republican for president is going to save us from where we have arrived is insulting to both God and liberty itself. Yet that is what you insist. Everything you have said on this thread is a testament to it.
The truth is, you are not interested in truth or discussion. All you are interested in is pushing your political party and candidates as our salvation. We’ve endured your kind since Reagan, Dole, the Bushes, McCain and Romney. You would be one to threaten Conservatives to vote for Jeb or Christy if they got the Nom - declare them traitors if they don’t - because to you - anyone with an ‘R’ after their name is your savior.
Vote Republican! Vote Republican! You go ahead and keep practicing that insanity. Most of us are done with them.
Those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see have moved on from putting trust, hope and faith in a failed party in a Ruling Class oligarchy of corrupt politics to the place where reality and real solutions reside so we can prepare ourselves for what will be necessary to survive what is coming.
You are just a useful parrot for your masters, and I wear your nut-job insult with pride.
More regurgitation from the lying smearing Lord over all of us.
Invar, you’re a blow-hard.
Get lost.
“Lying smearing Lord”???? Wow. I guess that explains why your faith is in men and not God.
You have no power or authority to tell me anything. Especially considering what spirit you are of.
Says the guy that has lied about me. Says the guy that has tried to smear me with those lies. Says the guy that was told that his charges were untrue. Says the guy that continued to spout his untruths. This is a person who has done this, then wants me to believe he tells truth about other things.
Invar, you are a fraud. You think you work for God, but unfortunately you work for another god.
You’ve got a lot of work to do on your own soul, before you attempt to perfect others.
You are projecting pal. Big time.
Judging my standing before the Lord and the work He has called me to do as a fraud, is certainly Pharisaical of you at best and a violation of what Jesus warned about in Matthew 7. But you go ahead and call me whatever you like. Satan accuses the saints night and day also.
I wear all your insults and charges with great joy and pride knowing what spirit you speak from.
But remember what I told you. If you claim faith in Christ - when the time comes and all your faith and hopes in men and their institutions are shown to be in vain - Do not deny Him, or He will deny you.
You come here and lie about me. I am courteous enough to address you on that issue, and you continue to lie about me. You try to smear me with that lie, and now you claim to have taken the high road.
People who represent the Lord..., they don’t knowingly lie. If you can stated you thought something, but if that wasn’t the case you were sorry, I could have still considered you a credible person. You didn’t. You just continue to lie.
You can believe whatever you want about yourself. I don’t care. You can’t come professing to represent the Lord and lie to me about me in public. Others may not know my heart, but I do. Certain charges you made against me, are known to be false by others here.
You are a liar, even a knowing liar, even after you have been informed you are lying.
You are a fraud. You window of opportunity to discuss this matter with me as an intelligent honest person, has passed.
You lack of intelligence, honesty, and even shame for what you did is very telling.
Beyond this, you’re simply making a bigger fool out of yourself in public.
You keep projecting.
Like the Accuser, you accuse me of lying about you when your own words on this thread condemn you. Your faith by your own words is not in God, but in men. You ridiculed the notion of repentance, then asserted that repentance would be voting for a Republican. None of those things are biblical.
As to the accusation of lying, you said emphatically that I am “telling folks they should simply let the Democrat control everything because nothing can be done” when I said or implied nothing of the kind, ever.
Where did I tell anyone to let Democrats control everything because nothing can be done?
Nowhere. You lied. Then you doubled down on it. Then you accuse me of lying about YOU when your own words here on this thread indict you as doing that which you accuse, notwithstanding your assertion that I work for a God other than Christ Jesus.
So who has done the judging of someone’s heart and standing before the Lord here? Did I accuse you of working for Satan? No. I said your faith is misplaced. Big difference.
But you will not see it. You choose not to.
This argument has been over whether voting Republicans will save us, or whether that option is fruitless. I assert the GOP is a dead party and that we are past fixing this mess by the ballot box, you declare therefore that I’m of the mind to let Democrats control everything when I never did.
Obviously no minds are going to changed here but I am glad and happy to receive your hatred and vitriol. I am blessed by it.
As to being a fool according to you well, Matthew 5:22 speaks to that.
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