“A Clinton spokesman confirmed late Tuesday morning that Clinton will indeed hold a “brief press conference” after the U.N. speech. “
Thank you and good night.
Well, there are just so many ways to say ‘I don’t recall.’
Boxers or briefs?
We need to keep her in the hunt until June of 2016. At that point we can only hope that the pressure of the camapign take it toll on her.
If she is there as the presumptive candidate, the dems will have no back up candidate in place.
“What difference, at this point, does it make?”
Anyone look into regulations about using private phone texting for official business? Who handles her cell phone service? Where are texts stored, and for how long? She’s known for avoiding email due to the paper trail, what other persistent-storage communications methods is she using instead?
Could you imagine if Condoleeza Rice had done this?
The Democrats, the MSM and the journ-0-list collaborators would be on a 24/7 rant. You wouldn’t be able to turn on a television or radio without hearing about it.
Clinton: “Two words...FU.” End of conference.
Will she sit on an elevate throne when taking questions?
White male Republicans are picking on little olde me!
“Clinton’s team is “working to help with access to the presser”
HaHaHahaHa. Allow me to translate: Clinton’s team is carefully selecting lackeys who will read the questions her staff provides and not go off script.
There! Fixed it.
“I forget.”
She’s too old to have a long one.
Option 2. Give a brief statement and hope it goes away.
Option 3. Denigrate the accusers and hope it goes away.
Option 4. Tell everyone that it was in the past and hope it goes away.
Option 5. Kill somebody in Fort Marcy Park and hope it goes away.
In other words she is sending out her knuckle breakers to get the media back in line.
Rush said the “Press” needed to submit for passes 24 hours ahead to get in, so unless someone is there as a daily reporter, they probably won’t get to ask questions.
Maybe she’s just announcing that she is NOT running!;)
CHISTANNA AMOPOUR: “With all the right wing conspirators out there talking about your emails, how do stay so calm in this atmosphere?
HILLARY: “(Cackle cackle cackle) Oh, I know what you mean Chistanna, they never let up, do they? (cackle) and thanks for your question, I stay calm by just considering the source of the outrageous attacks”. Now I have get back to my grandbaby and baking cookies. Thanks everyone and have good evening”