She knew the Chinese would be able to read her emails... WHY DIDN'T IT BOTHER HILLARY TO KNOW THE CHINESE COULD READ HER EMAILS?
NOPARDONS POSTED: A Romanian hacker hacked her email a while back and has now given everything (the batch mostly on Benghazi) to Putin....
A very astute tecchie told Greta, Hillary uses godaddy.com which offers very sophisticated email environments.
FROM THEIR WEBSITE: If youre building a resource-intensive website, developing and hosting an app, or looking for a new test environment, a shared hosting plan may not give you the flexibility and performance you need. When youre ready for control and performance, our VPS and Dedicated server plans have the resources and features to meet your demands.
godaddy.com---SSL & Website Security If your site's not secure, visitors won't want to risk visiting. Our security products keep the bad guys out.......
WEBSITE https://www.godaddy.com/