” The Bell Curve.”
Truly that explains 99% of what we see in the world about the relative racial conditions.
That and undeniable aspects of human nature such as our propensity to use inductive logic to come to generalizations from past experience (i.e. prejudge) as well as our propensity to identify and associate with people with similar characteristics (the tribal instinct) .
When you deny those realities, especially the significant disparity in average IQ between one particular identifiable group and others and claim that there are no differences from one race to another and institute laws and public policies based on that false reality you make the problem much worse - to the point that it may be impossible for those two groups to peacefully coexist.
It is a very sad reality, but a reality nonetheless. Pretending it doesn’t exist will only keep making the problem worse as we can see with our own eyes with each passing year.
More and more people are finally recognizing the obvious. It is still virtually taboo for major political figures of either party to say so.
But as all the lib and conservative- generated programs (No Child Left Behind) fail, hopefully even the elites will finally start speaking the truth. But I won't hold my breath.