The cops job is to manage and control the homeless, that has always been a primary duty of the cops.
The cops job is to manage and control the homeless, that has always been a primary duty of the cops.
That’s a sh##y job. A lot of the homeless are churned in and out of our jails by the judges and lawyers. And a lot of them are mentally ill and shouldn’t be on the streets.
No, not always.
Not too long ago, the mentally illwere locked for their own, and oupr safety. Sadly, during thev60s, people became concerned that they were locked up and insisted that ehybbe set fre.
So they were.
Too many mentallynill live on thevstreets as homeless.
Returning military, who are the main source of the LAPLd’s hiring DO NOT join the police department to take care of them.
That is just a lie!