The democrat and republican parties are the Ebola of the political world, killing off the host.
The government is nothing more than greedy, power hungry politicians and bureaucrats who see us as their serfs.
Washington DC is eating up the entire country and killing our constitutional freedoms off, one by one. The Feds already dictate how we must think,
who we must associate with, what we can or cannot do with our private property and how we can and cannot worship.
If the federal government isn’t rolled back we will soon be left with nothing but a gigantic, tyrannical police state that will make “1984” look like a Tea Party convention.
It is already very close to that point right now.
Hence my idea that all elected officials and government employees must present themselves annually for whacking. everyone that has been effected by their actions will be able to whack said official with whatever implement they desire whether it be feather or Buick.
This would cause the government types to once again fear the people instead of the other way around.