No debate no discussion. They want to ram internet regulation down our throats.
Just like they did 0bamacare!
I would like to know when will the public be able to see the proposals? SO 5 appointed nitwits get to fundamentally transform the internet by approving 332 pages that are merely chapter 1 written by who the hell knows before anyone in “elected” government gets to weigh in? Unbelievable. After all the scandals and Obamacare and all this pass it to see what’s in it and obama and his minions get to do it once more !? I’m not surprised in the least but I am a little surprised that so little fuss is being made considering the ramifications. Amazingly is there any precedent when something like this is pushed through that it can later be thwarted or reneged on?!? Never seems to go down like that. Maybe the fairness doctrine from decades ago - but surely this is that same fight on steroids.