Exactly true. And it isn't just another white guy versus a history making woman. It will be a Bush, who brought us the recession, versus a Clinton who brought us the boom of the dot com bubble.
Worse than losing the presidency is the number of senators, congressman, row offices and state legislators he'll drag down with him.
Um.................Got to tell you, when a man ages, he is called DISTINGRISHED. When a woman ages, she is called OLD..............Hillary fits it to a to a “T”.
Not picking sides here, but anyone who won't vote for either Jeb or Hillary because they follow someone with the same name is a total idiot...
Are you your brother, are you your wife, aren't you a completely different person that anyone else on Earth????
Good greif, I can't vote for that man because his last name is Arnold...and you know that those Arnolds are traitors.....PATHETIC