WASHINGTON, DC U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) today presented an amendment to the Gang of Eight immigration bill that would improve our nations legal immigration system by increasing high-skilled temporary worker visas, called H-1B visas, by 500 percent. The measure would effectively address the needs of our nations high-skilled workforce by helping meet the growing demand for workers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. It will also make block grants available to states to promote STEM education efforts and increase domestic STEM professionals. The committee voted against the amendment 4 to 14 with every Democrat voting against it on a party-line vote.
Sen. Cruz Presents Measure to Strengthen, Improve Legal Immigration SENATOR CRUZ OFFICE ^ | 14 MAY 2013 | SENATOR CRUZ PRESS RELEASE
If his H1-B stance is the worst thing we can find on Ted Cruz, we should all get behind him this minute!