Usually, one doesn't even know who made the vaccine or how. Is it a GMO, or live animal culture? They can't tell you. Are there porcine viruses in there? What are the adjuvants? Is there squalene in it? Nobody can tell you. THE MANUFACTURERS DON'T EVEN OFFER A LIST OF INGREDIENTS, much less an independently validated safety record.
This would never happen in a competitive free market, where vaccine producers would be ADVERTISING the quality, safety, and efficacy of their products along with data from third party validation services.
And there is the crucial truth, socialized medicine AND an out of control legal system is what is making the vaccination industry so dark to the patient and their parents. Ultra low cost manufacturing because socialized medicine doesn't allow for choices, manufactures afraid to brand or even list ingredients as the exposure to future lawsuits is too great - we need to nail out these two monstrosities and we will once again have a nationwide world leading medical industry.
Excellent insights and I’m hopeful that Cruz’s legislation is truly pro-commerce and not just political pandering. We need more free market, not less.