Allowing large-scale marijuana operations to take root across Florida, under the guise of using it for medicinal purposes, runs counter to all these efforts, he claimed.
and that’s pretty much what happens ....
Look at all the med MJ states , ppl scam the process unashamedly . And in all the legal grow states , all the growers are now feeding the illegal markets in nearby states and across the country .
Do we rally want all of America to go to pot? Given that the great majority of pot smokers are total Lib voters and do NOT support our military or a strong foreign policy .
Seems like national suicide to me
I am not pro-marijuana but come on...Is this true?? This could jeopardize their growing permit in Colorado for example.
Yes, nothing may deter our resolute pursuit of victory after victory and triumph after triumph as we wage war on drugs. Not hypocrisy, not corruption, not distortion of the rule law, not drive-by shootings without end, not financing terrorists, not defying the expressed will of the people, not the shredding of our southern border, not defeat after defeat, nothing shall deter us, nothing until we have made criminals of every man, boy, woman and girl.
And after we win this war we can proceed to make war on cigarettes, then e cigarettes, then trans fats, and all of this after we have reinstated prohibition.
California has issued fewer than 80,000 medical MJ cards - pretty small-potatoes scam in a state of 38,000,000.