I certainly don’t claim to be an expert on immigration law but I play one on FR. Here’s a link to the ‘LEGAL’ process of obtaining a ‘green card’:
Please note that this process assumes that the applicant DOES NOT ALREADY LIVE HERE. Emperor 0bama has decreed that illegal aliens trespassing on our land can obtain “LEGAL STATUS” by obtaining a green card and thereby collect all manner of welfare benefits. How ‘The Won’ gets away with this lawlessness is beyond comprehension. At any rate, how is it Gov. Walker’s fault that all those trespassers are in WI clamoring for their share of 0bama’s stash? He is just trying to handle his part of the crisis.
Walker is for LEGAL immigration, NOT AMNESTY. If you can find a source for this “LEGAL STATUS” of 0bama’s, please cite it here. The only one I can find that comes close is this one:
“Walker is for LEGAL immigration, NOT AMNESTY. “
This, and many other checks I did on the internet, says he DOES.
Pen & Phone trumps Law, or have you not heard?
California DMV is so busy handing out Driving Licenses to illegals that Citizens have several months wait.