These people are not scmucks. But I agree with the premise. Being a strong conservative in belief and action does not equate to good leadership at a federal level. In my opinion the most qualified are those governors who have strong beliefs and action. The Republicans are fortunate to have several that fill the bill and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they are top drawer leaders. And they are the ones, IMO, on whom we should be focused.
Sarah was a good governor but she has passed her political prime. Christie is too glib of tongue. Jeb has a Common Core” and amnesty problem. Romney would be a great president but his Massachusetts health plan and Mormon faith will keep him out of the WH, Kasich is an Obamacare advocate, so what Governors are remaining? Walker and Perry, both of whom have been not just good governors, but outstanding. So much for my considered opinion.
Romney is a lying Fabian socialist. The son of a Saul Alinsky supporting father and an Abortion Barbie mother. A dangerous combination no conservative should even imagine supporting.
I agree with you about Walker and to a lesser extent about Perry, but do not discount the efforts that Ted Cruz has made on behalf of restoring sanity to the nation. Ted Cruz strikes me as an effective leader because he doesn't constantly look behind himself to see who might be following. He just leads.