Sounds as if enough agencies have resisted the House special committee and will continue to thwart and draw this inquiry out until few citizens even remember what happened during that time regarding Benghazi.
Boehner was politically victorious by naming Gowdy the chairman. I have begun to wish Boehner had chosen one of his own henchmen. This is hurting my House rep badly, by neutering him on other matters, and it doesn’t look promising.
Not as angry as I once was but not as hopeful either.
If I remember correctly, this committees purpose has been characterized as an effort to prevent another Benhgazi, as opposed to holding responsible those who are complicit in this one.
Hillarys uncontested agreement to testify doesn't make me feel any better about it. She will not walk willingly into this without already knowing she will leave unharmed.
Nevertheless, I hope I am completely wrong.