Absolutely, Craigslist is not the problem, it’s the few who take advantage of others in society that is the problem.
I have also bought and sold big ticket items on C-List with no issues.
That said, I don’t go to a gunfight with a knife. I take many precautions when dealing with random strangers, whether it be C-list or any other place. These two nice folks were just not prepared for this type of transaction.
Sad, there used to be trust in the world. No more.
You know, I can spot a scam ad on CL in a heartbeat, just gotta know what to look for.No text, noemails, phone calls only. I can spot a phony on the phone real quick.
Stuff like this happens sans Craiglist too. Just this year an elderly couple here in the Phoenix area had their home invaded. They were forced to drive to the ATM and withdraw cash. They were then killed.
As far as I know, they never found the killers.