Seriously, I want to know more about the guy.
We hear from him, not about him.
What did he do before he was a Sen?
Ted Cruz has had a very, very distinguished young career. As an old soldier I sense it is the result of a deep down feeling/appreciation for the US and It’s Constitution. I have for a long time held back from total support because I believe our Constitution does imply that the standard set for POTUSA is based on parentS who were citizens at time of birth. Cruze’s father was a Cuban citizen when Cruz was born in Canada. However. now I tend to believe that it is as much an obligation for our Supreme Court to weigh in factually and validly ( if such is possible with and by the Court) on Obama’s birth scenario before It tries to disenfranchise Cruz. For me it is much better that Cruz is open than as to/for Obama being so circumspect and his deep Indonesian past including conception. As a an overseas soldier in WWII and a brother who died on Okinawa in WWII neither of us would be eligible for POTUSA because our parents were not naturalized residents of the USA. No concerns about that as far I am concerned because the US has given so much opportunity to me.
What did you do before you were an idiot?