I don’t believe that is the issue. I believe that many (not all) view things that should be considered luxury items as staples that they are entitled to.
Houses, computers and internet access, cell phones, cable television, large flat panel televisions, cars, fancy clothes, jewelry, lobsters, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. are considered by many their due, regardless of income.
Obama is throwing college education in there as well, if he can.
My wife and I have tried to live our lives in a way that we could get by if one of us was incapacitated. If things go south for us, we will begin to get rid of things, paring away items until we are eating beans from cans, if we can get that. We are prepared to do that if we are put in a situation where we have to.
I think there are many people who would never think of paring back on even one of the things I listed above, and it is a choice. You may not have a choice about having a job and income, but you do have a choice what you do with money that does find its way into your hands.
Your comments in this thread are right on target.
You might like this then: “The $3500 Shirt” http://www.sleuthsayers.org/2013/06/the-3500-shirt-history-lesson-in.html
TL;DR - For most of human history, making a simple shirt entailed an enormous amount of effort which, if paid for in modern minimum wages, would cost nearly $3500. Wool or cotton, growing & processing thereof aside, had to be spun into thread, woven into cloth, and then hand-assembled - all taking upwards of 500 hours just for a basic tunic.
Having been simplified by the Industrial Revolution to the point of grabbing a cheap yet entirely decent shirt from Walmart for $5 (the cost of clerking such sales for an hour, taxes included), methinks a core problem is the continuing redefinition of what constitutes “poor”. Success is practically offered everyone on a silver platter, but if they won’t reach out and take it then, well, what can others do for them?
I challenge people who tell me that they are having financial trouble yo cut their budget 10%. They always claim they can’t when the real answer is they won’t.
Cutting back is pain and they won’t do it.
What I’m sayin is...more people than ever...have bad taste.