They’ve been at it for the last 70 years, and they’re only realising this NOW?
I don’t think it was sustainable to begin with—I’ll go out on a limb and say there were people THEN that thought the NHS a total wash.
My ex was a Brit. I recall going and waiting with her at the Doctors. It was a dim, tiny waiting area crowded with people sitting shoulder to shoulder.
After over an hours wait the doctor saw her for perhaps 10 minutes tops.
One evening I called to report she had chest pains (it was before we were married or I would have taken her to the ER on base). The doctor showed a little over an hour later and said he thought it was gas.
I dont think it was sustainable to begin withIll go out on a limb and say there were people THEN that thought the NHS a total wash.
Not many, and those that did were doubtful more on practical than theoretical grounds, in the unique environment of postwar austerity Britain.. Even those doubts soon withered when the NHS appeared to be a success, soon earning pretty well unanimous support across the political spectrum And indeed it did work successfully for the first 35 years - it was not until the 1980s that probems began to appear and grow. I witnessed the gradual change at first hand, since I've been an NHS patient for all of its 66 years.
Not really, the NHS was welcomed. The difference is that the modern NHS deals with nonsense the original model wasn’t set up to do.