We had difficulty with our oldest daughter and at the advice from our pastor (and a lot of research .. Rolloff among that research .. around 1995 ) we decided on Hephzibah House in Indiana
You are a valuable testimony
I do what I can to refute all the allegations of “abuse” by disaffected former teen residents of the Roloff Homes. The only corporal punishment I ever recieved was licks with a wooden paddle, twice, for blatant disrespect. The same kind of licks, with the same kind of paddle, which I received in public school (which gives you an idea of how ancient I am, lol). Nothing more. We weren’t starved, at all-Brother Roloff just didn’t believe in junk food-how prescient he was, considering the juvenile obesity epidemic in America now. I got worse spankings at home with a switch (not beatings, spankings).
He also despised teevee, and this was back before it was anything like as bad as it is now. Even when you disregard all the evil shown on it, he had a point about the fact that it’s not good for kids to be plopped in front of a teevee for hours on end, nor is it good for families.