Have you ever smoked marijuana?
What makes you the expert on its effects?
What makes you the expert on its effects?
The topic is not confined to Marijuana. Anyone of discernment is well aware that Marijuana is just the Camel's nose in the tent.
It is just like "gay rights." You open that door, and pretty soon you are being forced to bake "gay" wedding cakes.
And what makes me the expert? Apart from the experience I have had with numerous and sundry drug addicts and specifically pot-heads, I have been arguing about and researching this topic for the last seven years with a psychotic pot-head loon on another website. Again, just like "gay marriage" they will simply NOT SHUT UP ABOUT IT!
If they would just keep this stuff in the closet I could probably tolerate it, but it is this constant "in your face" advocacy that has simply made me sick of putting up with them.