Fix is already in to blame society for this event. Shep on Fox was saying that these 20 year olds (not even referred to as Muslim) need jobs to keep the appeal of terrorism from recruiting them. No mention of a violent religion or that they move into countries to convert them, not be assimilated into the native population. This is why we need immigration limits, to allow for assimilation rather than living as outcasts creating their own communities until numbers grow to the point they can exercise their will.
Maybe they don’t have jobs because they’re unemployable losers. Of course, the “big thinkers” in the media never think of that. It’s always the poor slobs didn’t have jobs so they were forced to go out and murder people. Baloney.
I am thinking Shep is really an airhead; good at reading but not at all smart or well read. After Katrina during which Shep blamed bush, always hated him.