“...What theyre pissed about is that we removed Cantor, their speaker-to-be, and after Tuesday, McCarthy WILL NOT be acceptable, and Scalise is done.
A conservative speaker will be next, as moderate a conservative as they can find.”
Precisely. We need to continue the battle as we continue to make progress. 2016 will be a VERY big year across the board. It’s unfortunate that some of the “summer soldiers” and DEFEATISTS in our ranks seem ready to give up, walk away from the fight and surrender the field to the ‘RATS, RINOs and FAUX conservatives.
Every 2, and mostly 4, years it’s a ‘BIG battle’. Then it’s SSDD while the voters sleep in-between, dreaming of making ‘some’ major change(s), while gov’t continues to whittle away the last of our Rights, Freedom and Liberty as fast as they can.
The only time I can see any shinola hitting the fan is when they finally come after the 401K/ROTH (those boomers are retiring faster and faster these days, and the kids [and I don’t blame ‘em] are going to get sick and tired of propping up the grand-parents vacations while they look for what jobs are still available....
Otherwise, continue to peacefully dream.