Says about our culture? America has entered into of post Christian era of neo pagan decadence. Drug use, homosexuality, pornography, fornication, earth and celebrity worship are now the norm. The President of the United States celebrates abortion. Animals have more legal right than fetuses.
“Drug use, homosexuality, pornography, fornication, earth and celebrity worship are now the norm. The President of the United States celebrates abortion. Animals have more legal right than fetuses.”
And people who have no business owning urban assault dogs buy them and fail to socialize, train or control them. And tragedies happen. And children are scarred for life. And sometimes they are killed. Adults too. And other people’s harmless, loving, socialized dogs.
We’re not allowed to own tigers in our back yards and it makes sense. Pit bulls are the lone wolf jihadists of the dog world, IMHO.
Lets be fair, animals don't know what's going on, no choice, when the other species does.